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* vm.h --
* Virtual memory data structures and procedure headers exported by
* the virtual memory module.
* Copyright 1986 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
* $Header: /sprite/src/kernel/vm/RCS/vm.h,v 9.13 91/08/09 15:00:10 shirriff Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _VM
#define _VM
#include <list.h>
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <user/vm.h>
#if 0
#include <vmMach.h>
#include <vmStat.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <proc.h>
#include <procMigrate.h>
#include <sprite.h>
#if 0
#include <kernel/vmMach.h>
#include <vmStat.h>
#include <kernel/fs.h>
#include <kernel/sync.h>
#include <kernel/proc.h>
#include <kernel/procMigrate.h>
#include <sprite.h>
* Structure to represent a translated virtual address
typedef struct Vm_VirtAddr {
struct Vm_Segment *segPtr; /* Segment that address falls into.*/
int page; /* Virtual page. */
int offset; /* Offset in the page. */
int flags; /* Flags defined below */
struct Vm_SegProcList *sharedPtr; /* Pointer to shared seg. */
} Vm_VirtAddr;
* Values for flags field. Lower 8 bits are for our use, next 8 bits are
* machine dependent.
* VM_HEAP_PT_IN_USE The heap segment for the current process had
* its page table marked as being in use.
* VM_READONLY_SEG The segment is read only for this process.
#define VM_HEAP_PT_IN_USE 0x1
#define VM_READONLY_SEG 0x2
* A page table entry.
typedef unsigned int Vm_PTE;
* Flags to set and extract the fields of the PTE.
* VM_VIRT_RES_BIT The page is resident in the segment's virtual
* address space.
* VM_PHYS_RES_BIT The page is physically resident in memory.
* VM_ZERO_FILL_BIT The page should be filled on demand with zeros.
* VM_ON_SWAP_BIT The page is on swap space.
* VM_IN_PROGRESS_BIT A page fault is occuring on this page.
* VM_COR_BIT The page is copy-on-reference.
* VM_COW_BIT The page is copy-on-write.
* VM_REFERENCED_BIT The page has been referenced.
* VM_MODIFIED_BIT The page has been modified.
* VM_READ_ONLY_PROT The page is read-only.
* VM_COR_CHECK_BIT The page is marked read-only after a cor fault
* to determine if the page will in fact get
* modified.
* VM_PAGE_FRAME_FIELD The virtual page frame that this page is
* resident in.
#define VM_VIRT_RES_BIT 0x80000000
#define VM_PHYS_RES_BIT 0x40000000
#define VM_ZERO_FILL_BIT 0x20000000
#define VM_ON_SWAP_BIT 0x10000000
#define VM_IN_PROGRESS_BIT 0x08000000
#define VM_COR_BIT 0x04000000
#define VM_COW_BIT 0x02000000
#define VM_REFERENCED_BIT 0x01000000
#define VM_MODIFIED_BIT 0x00800000
#define VM_READ_ONLY_PROT 0x00400000
#define VM_COR_CHECK_BIT 0x00200000
#define VM_PREFETCH_BIT 0x00100000
#define VM_PAGE_FRAME_FIELD 0x000fffff
* Macro to get a page frame out of a PTE.
#define Vm_GetPageFrame(pte) ((unsigned int) ((pte) & VM_PAGE_FRAME_FIELD))
* The page size.
extern int vm_PageSize;
* The end of allocated kernel+data memory.
extern Address vmMemEnd;
* The type of accessibility desired when making a piece of data user
* accessible. VM_READONLY_ACCESS means that the data will only be read and
* will not be written. VM_OVERWRITE_ACCESS means that the entire block of
* data will be overwritten. VM_READWRITE_ACCESS means that the data
* will both be read and written.
* Structure that contains relevant info from the aout header to allow
* reuse of sticky segments.
typedef struct {
int heapPages;
int heapPageOffset;
int heapFileOffset;
int bssFirstPage;
int bssLastPage;
int entry;
int flags;
int heapExcess;
} Vm_ExecInfo;
* The segment table structure. Details about the segment table and
* some of the fields in here are defined in vmInt.h.
* NOTE: Process migration requires that the five fields offset, fileAddr,
* type, numPages and ptSize be contiguous.
typedef struct Vm_Segment {
List_Links links; /* Links used to put the segment
* table entry in list of free segments,
* list of inactive segments or list
* of copy-on-write segments. */
int segNum; /* The number of this segment. */
int refCount; /* Number of processes using this
* segment */
Sync_Condition condition; /* Condition to wait on for this
* segment. */
Fs_Stream *filePtr; /* Pointer to the file that pages are
* being demanded loaded from. */
/* Name of object file for code
* segments. */
char objFileName[VM_OBJ_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
Fs_Stream *swapFilePtr; /* Structure for an opened swap file.*/
char *swapFileName; /* The filename associated with the
* swap file. */
int offset; /* Explained in vmInt.h. */
int fileAddr; /* The address in the object file where
* data or code for this segment
* begins. */
int type; /* CODE, STACK, HEAP, or SYSTEM */
int numPages; /* Explained in vmInt.h. */
int ptSize; /* Number of pages in the page table */
int resPages; /* Number of pages in physical memory
* for this segment. */
Vm_PTE *ptPtr; /* Pointer to the page table for this
* segment */
struct VmMach_SegData *machPtr; /* Pointer to machine dependent data */
int flags; /* Flags to give information about the
* segment table entry. */
List_Links procListHdr; /* Header node for list of processes
* sharing this segment. */
List_Links *procList; /* Pointer to list of processes
* sharing this segment. */
int ptUserCount; /* The number of current users of this
* page table. */
ClientData fileHandle; /* Handle for object file. */
Vm_ExecInfo execInfo; /* Information to allow reuse of
* sticky segments. */
struct VmCOWInfo *cowInfoPtr; /* Pointer to copy-on-write list
* header. */
int numCOWPages; /* Number of copy-on-write pages that
* this segment references. */
int numCORPages; /* Number of copy-on-ref pages that
* this segment references. */
Address minAddr; /* Minimum address that the segment
* can ever have. */
Address maxAddr; /* Maximium address that the segment
* can ever have. */
int traceTime; /* The last trace interval that this
* segment was active. */
} Vm_Segment;
* Pointer to the system segment.
extern Vm_Segment *vm_SysSegPtr;
* Information stored by each process.
typedef struct Vm_ProcInfo {
Vm_Segment *segPtrArray[VM_NUM_SEGMENTS];
int numMakeAcc; /* Nesting level of make
* make accessibles for this
* process. */
struct VmMach_ProcData *machPtr; /* Pointer to machine dependent
* data. */
int vmFlags; /* Flags defined below. */
List_Links *sharedSegs; /* Process's shared segs. */
Address sharedStart; /* Start of shared region. */
Address sharedEnd; /* End of shared region. */
} Vm_ProcInfo;
* List of the shared segments.
* There is one of these entries for each shared segment.
typedef struct Vm_SharedSegTable {
List_Links segList; /* Links of shared segments. */
int serverID; /* Server of associated file. */
int domain; /* Domain of associated file. */
int fileNumber; /* File number of associated file. */
struct Vm_Segment *segPtr; /* Shared segment. */
int refCount; /* Number of references to segment.
} Vm_SharedSegTable;
* Shared segments associated with a process.
* There is one of these entries for each processor-segment mapping.
typedef struct Vm_SegProcList {
List_Links segList; /* Links of shared segments. */
int fd; /* File descriptor of the mapping. */
Vm_SharedSegTable *segTabPtr; /* Pointer to shared segment table. */
Address addr; /* Start address of segment. */
int offset; /* Page table offset (see vmInt.h). */
int fileAddr; /* Offset into the file. */
Address mappedStart; /* Start of mapped part. */
Address mappedEnd; /* End of mapped part. */
Fs_Stream *stream; /* Stream of mapping. */
int prot; /* Protections of segment. */
} Vm_SegProcList;
* Values for the vmFlags field.
* VM_COPY_IN_PROGRESS Data is being copied from/to this process
* to/from the kernel's VAS.
#define VM_COPY_IN_PROGRESS 0x01
* Maximum number of pages that a user process can wire down with the
* Vm_PinUserMem call.
* Copy-on-write level.
extern Boolean vm_CanCOW;
* Maximum number of pageout processes. This information is needed in
* order to configure the correct number of Proc_ServerProcs
* The initialization procedures.
extern void Vm_BootInit _ARGS_((void));
extern void Vm_Init _ARGS_((void));
* Procedure for segments
extern void Vm_SegmentIncRef _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *segPtr, Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern Vm_Segment *Vm_FindCode _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *filePtr, Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, Vm_ExecInfo **execInfoPtrPtr, Boolean *usedFilePtr));
extern void Vm_InitCode _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *filePtr, register Vm_Segment *segPtr, Vm_ExecInfo *execInfoPtr));
extern void Vm_FlushCode _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, Address addr, int numBytes));
extern Vm_Segment *Vm_SegmentNew _ARGS_((int type, Fs_Stream *filePtr, int fileAddr, int numPages, int offset, Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_SegmentDup _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *srcSegPtr, Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, Vm_Segment **destSegPtrPtr));
extern void Vm_SegmentDelete _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr, Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern void Vm_ChangeCodeProt _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, Address startAddr, int numBytes, Boolean makeWriteable));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_DeleteFromSeg _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *segPtr, int firstPage, int lastPage));
* Procedures for pages.
extern ReturnStatus Vm_PageIn _ARGS_((Address virtAddr, Boolean protFault));
extern void Vm_Clock _ARGS_((ClientData data, Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr));
extern int Vm_GetPageSize _ARGS_((void));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_TouchPages _ARGS_ ((int firstPage, int numPages));
ENTRY int Vm_GetRefTime _ARGS_ ((void));
* Procedures for page tables.
extern void Vm_ValidatePages _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *segPtr, int firstPage, int lastPage, Boolean zeroFill, Boolean clobber));
* Procedure to allocate bytes of memory
extern Address Vm_BootAlloc _ARGS_((int numBytes));
extern Address Vm_RawAlloc _ARGS_((int numBytes));
* Procedures for process migration.
extern ReturnStatus Vm_InitiateMigration _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, int hostID, Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_EncapState _ARGS_((register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, int hostID, Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr, Address bufferPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_DeencapState _ARGS_((register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr, Address buffer));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_FinishMigration _ARGS_((register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, int hostID, Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr, Address bufferPtr, int failure));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_EncapSegInfo _ARGS_((int segNum,
Vm_SegmentInfo *infoPtr));
* Procedure for the file system.
extern int Vm_MapBlock _ARGS_((Address addr));
extern int Vm_UnmapBlock _ARGS_((Address addr, Boolean retOnePage, unsigned int *pageNumPtr));
extern void Vm_FileChanged _ARGS_((Vm_Segment **segPtrPtr));
extern void Vm_FsCacheSize _ARGS_((Address *startAddrPtr, Address *endAddrPtr));
* System calls.
extern ReturnStatus Vm_PageSize _ARGS_((int *pageSizePtr));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_CreateVA _ARGS_((Address address, int size));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_DestroyVA _ARGS_((Address address, int size));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_Cmd _ARGS_((int command, int arg));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_GetSegInfo _ARGS_((Proc_PCBInfo *infoPtr,
Vm_SegmentID segID, int infoSize, Address segBufPtr));
* Procedures to get to user addresses.
extern ReturnStatus Vm_CopyIn _ARGS_((register int numBytes,
Address sourcePtr, Address destPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_CopyOut _ARGS_((register int numBytes,
Address sourcePtr, Address destPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_CopyInProc _ARGS_((int numBytes,
register Proc_ControlBlock *fromProcPtr, Address fromAddr,
Address toAddr, Boolean toKernel));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_CopyOutProc _ARGS_((int numBytes, Address fromAddr,
Boolean fromKernel, register Proc_ControlBlock *toProcPtr,
Address toAddr));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_StringNCopy _ARGS_((int numBytes,
Address sourcePtr, Address destPtr, int *bytesCopiedPtr));
extern void Vm_MakeAccessible _ARGS_((int accessType, int numBytes,
Address startAddr, register int *retBytesPtr,
register Address *retAddrPtr));
extern void Vm_MakeUnaccessible _ARGS_((Address addr, int numBytes));
* Procedures for recovery.
extern void Vm_OpenSwapDirectory _ARGS_((ClientData data,
Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr));
extern void Vm_Recovery _ARGS_((void));
* Miscellaneous procedures.
extern Address Vm_GetKernelStack _ARGS_((int invalidPage));
extern void Vm_FreeKernelStack _ARGS_((Address stackBase));
extern void Vm_ProcInit _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_PinUserMem _ARGS_((int mapType, int numBytes,
register Address addr));
extern void Vm_UnpinUserMem _ARGS_((int numBytes, Address addr));
extern void Vm_ReservePage _ARGS_((unsigned int pfNum));
extern Boolean VmMach_VirtAddrParse _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
Address virtAddr, register Vm_VirtAddr *transVirtAddrPtr));
* Routines to provide access to internal virtual memory stuff for the machine
* dependent code.
extern unsigned int Vm_KernPageAllocate _ARGS_((void));
extern void Vm_KernPageFree _ARGS_((unsigned int pfNum));
extern unsigned int Vm_GetKernPageFrame _ARGS_((int pageFrame));
* Virtual memory tracing routines and variables.
extern Boolean vm_Tracing;
extern void Vm_StoreTraceTime _ARGS_((Timer_Ticks timeStamp));
* Shared memory routines.
extern ReturnStatus Vm_Mmap _ARGS_((Address startAddr, int length, int prot,
int share, int streamID, int fileAddr, Address *mappedAddr));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_Munmap _ARGS_((Address startAddr, int length,
int noError));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_Msync _ARGS_((Address startAddr, int length));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_Mlock _ARGS_((Address startAddr, int length));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_Munlock _ARGS_((Address startAddr, int length));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_Mincore _ARGS_((Address startAddr, int length,
char *retVec));
extern ReturnStatus Vm_Mprotect _ARGS_((Address startAddr, int length,
int prot));
extern void Vm_CleanupSharedFile _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
Fs_Stream *streamPtr));
extern void Vm_CleanupSharedProc _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern void Vm_DeleteSharedSegment _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
Vm_SegProcList *segProcPtr));
extern void Vm_CopySharedMem _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *parentProcPtr,
Proc_ControlBlock *childProcPtr));
* Machine-dependent routines exported to other modules.
* Device mapping.
extern Address VmMach_DMAAlloc _ARGS_((int numBytes, Address srcAddr));
extern void VmMach_DMAFree _ARGS_((int numBytes, Address mapAddr));
extern ReturnStatus VmMach_MapKernelIntoUser _ARGS_((unsigned int
kernelVirtAddr, int numBytes, unsigned int userVirtAddr,
unsigned int *realVirtAddrPtr));
* Routines to manage contexts.
extern void VmMach_FreeContext _ARGS_((register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern void VmMach_ReinitContext _ARGS_((register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern ClientData VmMach_SetupContext _ARGS_((register Proc_ControlBlock
* Initialization
extern void VmMach_BootInit _ARGS_((int *pageSizePtr, int *pageShiftPtr,
int *pageTableIncPtr, int *kernMemSizePtr, int *numKernPagesPtr,
int *maxSegsPtr, int *maxProcessesPtr));
extern Address VmMach_AllocKernSpace _ARGS_((Address baseAddr));
extern void VmMach_Init _ARGS_((int firstFreePage));
* Segment creation, expansion, and destruction.
extern void VmMach_SegInit _ARGS_((struct Vm_Segment *segPtr));
extern void VmMach_SegExpand _ARGS_((register struct Vm_Segment *segPtr,
int firstPage, int lastPage));
extern void VmMach_SegDelete _ARGS_((register struct Vm_Segment *segPtr));
* Process initialization.
extern void VmMach_ProcInit _ARGS_((register struct Vm_ProcInfo *vmPtr));
* Manipulating protection.
extern void VmMach_SetSegProt _ARGS_((register struct Vm_Segment *segPtr,
register int firstPage, int lastPage, Boolean makeWriteable));
extern void VmMach_SetPageProt _ARGS_((register struct Vm_VirtAddr
*virtAddrPtr, Vm_PTE softPTE));
* Reference and modify bits.
extern void VmMach_GetRefModBits _ARGS_((register struct Vm_VirtAddr
*virtAddrPtr, unsigned int virtFrameNum, register Boolean *refPtr,
register Boolean *modPtr));
extern void VmMach_ClearRefBit _ARGS_((register struct Vm_VirtAddr
*virtAddrPtr, unsigned int virtFrameNum));
extern void VmMach_ClearModBit _ARGS_((register struct Vm_VirtAddr
*virtAddrPtr, unsigned int virtFrameNum));
extern void VmMach_AllocCheck _ARGS_((register struct Vm_VirtAddr
*virtAddrPtr, unsigned int virtFrameNum, register Boolean *refPtr,
register Boolean *modPtr));
* Page validation and invalidation.
extern void VmMach_PageValidate _ARGS_((register struct Vm_VirtAddr
*virtAddrPtr, Vm_PTE pte));
extern void VmMach_PageInvalidate _ARGS_((register struct Vm_VirtAddr
*virtAddrPtr, unsigned int virtPage, Boolean segDeletion));
* Routine to parse a virtual address.
extern Boolean VmMach_VirtAddrParse _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
Address virtAddr, register struct Vm_VirtAddr *transVirtAddrPtr));
* Routines to copy data to/from user space.
extern ReturnStatus VmMach_CopyInProc _ARGS_((int numBytes,
Proc_ControlBlock *fromProcPtr, Address fromAddr,
struct Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr, Address toAddr, Boolean toKernel));
extern ReturnStatus VmMach_CopyOutProc _ARGS_((int numBytes,
Address fromAddr, Boolean fromKernel, Proc_ControlBlock *toProcPtr,
Address toAddr, struct Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr));
* Tracing.
extern void VmMach_Trace _ARGS_((void));
* Pinning and unpinning user memory pages.
extern void VmMach_PinUserPages _ARGS_((int mapType, struct Vm_VirtAddr
*virtAddrPtr, int lastPage));
extern void VmMach_UnpinUserPages _ARGS_((struct Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr,
int lastPage));
* Cache flushing.
extern void VmMach_FlushPage _ARGS_((struct Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr,
Boolean invalidate));
extern void VmMach_FlushCode _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
struct Vm_VirtAddr *virtAddrPtr, unsigned virtPage, int numBytes));
extern void VmMach_FlushByteRange _ARGS_((Address virtAddr, int numBytes));
* Migration.
extern void VmMach_HandleSegMigration _ARGS_((struct Vm_Segment *segPtr));
extern ReturnStatus VmMach_Cmd _ARGS_((int command, int arg));
* Shared memory.
extern void VmMach_SharedSegFinish _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
Address addr));
extern void VmMach_SharedProcStart _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern void VmMach_SharedProcFinish _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern void VmMach_CopySharedMem _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *parentProcPtr,
Proc_ControlBlock *childProcPtr));
extern ReturnStatus VmMach_SharedStartAddr _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
int size, Address *reqAddr, int fixed));
#endif /* _VM */